Wind advisory is in effect

Wind advisory is in effect

(Oct. 26) The National Weather Service issued a Wind Advisory for San Diego County coastal areas and inland valleys until 5 p.m. today, Oct. 26.

Northeast winds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 55 mph are expected in the northwestern portions of the San Diego County coast and valleys.

Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result.

In addition, this weekend’s small rain amount will not have any affect on weather conditions as low humidity today will make fire conditions high.

Due to elevated fire weather conditions and forecasted Santa Ana winds in localized areas of south Orange County and north San Diego County, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has notified approximately 21,480 residents that it may have to turn off power in order to reduce wildfire risk Monday and Tuesday. Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) are approved by state regulators as a safety tool to mitigate fire risk during dangerous weather conditions.

Whereas Santa Ana winds normally come from the east and sweep through San Diego’s backcountry, the forecasted winds are expected to come mostly from the north and will impact urbanized and coastal areas which have not experienced PSPS before.

Within SDG&E’s service territory, the strongest winds are expected in south Orange County and the Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Pala Reservation and Fallbrook areas in north San Diego County.

On Saturday, SDG&E sent notifications via phone, text message and email to customers in those areas to inform them that they are at risk of safety power shutoffs.

SDG&E has activated its Emergency Operations Center to monitor conditions 24/7 and has organized personnel and pre-staged materials and equipment for response.

Ongoing updates are available at or SDG&E’s Twitter channel @SDGE.

46 thoughts on “Wind advisory is in effect
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