Youngsters raising funds for great cause

Madeira da Luz and Ella Adams are raising funds for type one diabetes (T1D) research toward a cure. Madeira and Ella grab onto the Baton of Hope with a very big dream that one day soon, Type One-Will be Type None.Â

Youngsters raising funds for great cause

Two local girls are working hard to do their part in raising funds for type one diabetes research by once again participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) One Walk.

Madeira’s Mighty Marchers and Team Ella Bella are teaming up for JDRF’s One Walk in San Diego on Saturday, Nov. 10 to “Turn Type One Into Type None.”

In 2017, Madeira’s Mighty Marchers, led by Madeira da Luz, and Team Ella Bella, led by Ella Adams, were each among the top teams in San Diego, raising more than $50,000 combined for type one diabetes (T1D) research toward a cure.

The girls are teaming up this year to bring their fundraising efforts to the next level. Together, the two adopted a theme for the 2018 fundraising season of “Passing on Hope for a Type One Cure.”

JDRF One Walk has one goal: to create a world without type 1 diabetes. The money raised for the JDRF One Walk supports life-changing breakthroughs that give hope to everyone impacted by this disease. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults suddenly. It has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle — and it’s serious and stressful to manage. There is nothing that can be done do to prevent T1D and there is currently no cure.

“We can’t determine or change what life brings but we can choose how we respond and impact our life for the better. We choose to be the change we wish to see in the world and are excited to team up for this year’s One Walk,” the two stated in an announcement.

The story behind these two all-star teams dates back to 2012 when the lives of both the da Luz Family and Adams Family were forever changed when their daughters, Madeira and Ella, were diagnosed with type one diabetes. Since that year, both families have shared a passionate commitment to put an end to T1D, one step at a time.

The girls are extremely grateful to past donors for their significant contributions to making a type one cure a reality. They are in the home stretch of their fundraising efforts this year and ask for the public’s continued support to help them finish the race.

Community support means everything to these type one warriors, as the generosity of supporters keeps them motivated.

“Let’s help build these brave girls an incredible team. Help them run their best race and cross that amazing finish line of a T1 cure,” said their mothers, Bryn da Luz and Andrea Adams, in a prepared statement.

The team had raised $19,855 as of a couple of weeks ago. They are still trying to raise more to reach their goal and there is still time to donate this week.

To donate, visit:

JDRF One Walk
Nov. 10, 2018
8 a.m.
3K and 5K options
Balboa Park at 6th Avenue and Laurel Street

921 thoughts on “Youngsters raising funds for great cause
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