Marshall music program is in tune and performing
By Patricia Overton
The Marshall Middle School (MMS) orchestra and band are tuning their melodies for some upcoming performances this school year. The holiday season kicked off with a winter concert Dec. 8, with students back on stage and showcasing the outstanding skills.
“Last year was still tentative with all the restrictions and not knowing what was possible to plan for. This year there’s a lot of enthusiasm and energy building with the students knowing that we are going to have live concerts. The intermediate and advanced classes are planning on doing their regular trip. Everything is somewhat back to normal.” said Cameron Brown, MMS director of instrumental music.
Brown is pleased with all his classes this year and the rate at which the students are advancing. A special thanks go to Joshua Way, principal at MMS, for helping pay for smart music subscriptions, giving students the opportunity to further learn new music and develop their skills.
“Both our admin and the MMO have supported us greatly and they do so every year,” Brown said.
In addition, the MMS Instrumental Music Boosters organization (MMSIMB) was recently created. It will help maximize the power of donations to the music department, including providing greater transparency and the ability to hold online and restaurant fundraisers. For more information, visit mmsim.org. Donations may be made at bit.ly/3VBfg6X.
With steady support, and under the leadership of Brown, the MMS music program will continue to provide the right tools for students, giving them everything they need to thrive.
The next scheduled concert with performances from students in both intermediate and advanced classes is set for March 2.