Seniors Corner: Activities slipping away
By Ashley Shah
Seniors at Scripps Ranch High School (SRHS) express their thoughts about going through their senior year under distance learning restrictions.
Rocco Granucci
Four-year baseball player
“The main thing I’m missing is my senior baseball season. Sophomore year we went to CIF and since last year we didn’t get the chance to go again, I was hoping that this year we would be able to go and win,” Rocco Granucci said.
He described his feelings toward missing an in-person senior year.
“I miss seeing my friends that I would make in specific classes. I miss the social environment at lunch. I was also really looking forward to going to prom with my girlfriend of three years,” he said.
He shared the difficulties he has experienced due to virtual learning.
“It’s just hard to stay motivated. Staring at a screen really sucks and I find it really hard to stay motivated when you’re not physically going somewhere,” Granucci said.
At SRHS, Granucci is part of the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program.
Outside of school, he volunteers for the organization Lion’s heart.
Granucci plans to go to a four-year university to study business and play Division III baseball.

Sanjana Ganti
Captain of the varsity tennis team
“I really miss the face-to-face interaction. I was really looking forward to my last tennis season, rallies and school spirit,” Sanjana Ganti said.
She explained her thoughts on this virtual school year.
“The lack of face-to-face interaction makes it feel less like school. It doesn’t feel like senior year. We haven’t had any dances or any sporting events,” Ganti said.
Ganti shared the benefits she has seen with virtual learning.
“Three classes have helped to decrease the workload and helped when I was applying to colleges. I’ve noticed that when you’re taking more APs, you’re not as overwhelmed because it’s more split up now. I have more time to focus on other things now,” she said.
Along with varsity tennis at SRHS, Ganti is the manager for the boys tennis team and is part of the Model United Nations club.
Outside of SRHS, she is the president of the South Asian Culture Show (SACS) and plays guitar.
She has plans to go to an in state four-year university and study computer science.

Makenzie Kensel
Four-year field hockey player
“I’m really missing not having a senior field hockey season. We probably would have gone to playoffs and played in CIF again. I just miss being able to hang out with my second family,” Mackenzie Kensel said.
She conveyed her struggles and positive experiences with online learning.
“It’s kind of harder with teachers that don’t understand technology as much. It’s also hard to stay motivated because you’re not in a physical classroom. There are way more distractions when you’re at home. I also miss seeing my friends that I usually wouldn’t see outside of school,” Kensel said. “Being at home though has led me to have more time outside of school work. I am able to do things that I enjoy more now.”
Kensel shared her final wishes for the school year.
“I really hope that we are able to have prom,” she said.
Outside of school, Kensel coaches field hockey for middle schoolers for the club team Mystix.
She is committed to Hartwick College for Division III field hockey where she hopes to study psychology.

Alanna Reyes
Four-year volleyball player
“I miss the little things like seeing friends during lunch and passing period, and sitting in my car in the morning listening to music,” Alanna Reyes said. “I definitely miss high school volleyball. This would have been my senior season, which is a really special time for dedicated athletes.”
She described how online learning has benefitted her.
“I have a little more independent time for homework and extracurriculars, which is much needed since our classes are moving at a much faster pace with more independent work. It is also nice to wear comfy pajamas to class every day too,” she said.
Reyes explained how virtual learning can be challenging as well.
“No one is really stopping us from lazily lying in bed and not paying attention, so we have to motivate ourselves to stay proactive and engaged. It is also really hard for me, as a visual and social learner, to fully grasp concepts through a screen,” Reyes said.
At SRHS, she is part of Associated Student Body and the Letters of Light club.
Outside of school, she plays for Wave Volleyball Club and volunteers at Feeding San Diego.
She plans to attend a four-year university and study kinesiology/exercise science.