Scripps Ranch: It’s Your Turn to Decide
Many Scripps Ranch residents have been anxiously waiting to finally have a voice. The Scripps Ranch community was scheduled to vote for their San Diego Unified School Board (SDUSD) Trustee in 2022, but they were redistricted off the ballot. Finally, after six years, they get to choose more of the same, or something better.
SDUSD Scandals in Recent Headlines
Recent SDUSD headlines are disturbing. Federal investigators found 253 cases of student and staff sexual harassment claims went improperly investigated and the Superintendent’s recent firing due to sustained sexual misconduct claims. An anticipated $100 million budget deficit causing more than 400 teacher and staff layoff notices (many later rescinded after six weeks of uncertainty) last spring. State testing showed that district-wide, 57% of students failed to meet math and 46% failed to meet English grade-level standards. Finally, we learned that $11.5 billion in school bond money was spent on faulty air conditioning in many schools with the recent heat wave.
SDUSD Needs a New Voice
The Scripps Ranch community can vote for more of the same or something better. As Trustee, Dr. Crystal Trull will apply more than 20 years of management and leadership experience working with nonprofit boards and organizations by offering solutions. She aims to hold the district accountable, focusing on academics, wise spending, and student wellness.
As a mom of three children who attend SDUSD schools, and as an educator herself teaching graduate students at University of San Diego and University of California, San Diego, she supports open book curriculum and transparent communication between school and home, not book bans or secrets. She wants accountability and open discussions, not decisions made behind closed doors. She will prioritize funding on proven literacy and math programs, AP and GATE, Special Education, and the Arts – student needs, not adult-driven projects like real estate developments.
It’s time for change. Every Scripps Ranch resident, with or without kids, is impacted by schools, because it’s your taxpayer dollars and your neighborhood. Your vote matters. Vote for students and your community on Nov. 5.
Vote for Crystal Trull
SDUSD Board of Trustees – District A.

Instagram: @crystalforschoolboard
Paid for by Crystal Trull for San Diego Unified District A 2024 – FPPC#1464104