SCHOOL NEWS: April 10-14, 2018

SCHOOL NEWS: April 10-14, 2018

Scripps Ranch High School
(858) 935-6969
10410 Falcon Way

SDSU visit: Seniors who have been accepted to San Diego State University are invited to a meeting with a SDSU representatives on Thursday, April 12, at 9:15 a.m. in the library. Sign up in the counseling office if interested.

JV girls softball scrimmage and Movie Night: The Scripps Ranch Softball Association (SRSA) invites the public to attend a scrimmage by the Scripps Ranch High School girls JV softball team, followed by a Home Run Derby and a family Movie Night. Glow in the dark wristbands will be on sale for $5 each.

This event, hosted by the SRSA, will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 13 in Cypress Canyon Park, 11400 Cypress Canyon Park Drive.

School Supplies Needed: Scripps Ranch High School is in need of school supplies. School volunteers will hold a supply drive this Saturday, April 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Scripps Ranch Farmer’s Market. Anyone can pull up to drop off any kind of school supplies or bring them to the SRHS Foundation table which will be near the food court. The Scripps Ranch Farmer’s Market is at 10380 Spring Canyon Road, in the Innovations Academy parking lot.

College Fair: San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) will hold a College Fair on Friday, April 20 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the Scripps Ranch High School gym, 10410 Falcon Way. All SDUSD students and families are welcome.

Marshall Middle School
(858) 549-5400
9700 Avenue of Nations

Advanced Band and Advanced Orchestra trip: The Marshall Middle School Instrumental Music Program Advanced Band and Advanced Orchestra will compete in the Forum Festivals Judges Invitational in Orange County on Friday, April 13, then spend the rest of the day at Disneyland where they will attend an awards ceremony.

‘Empowered’ tickets on sale: Marshall Mustang Theatre presents “Empowered: How One Girl Scout Nearly Destroyed the World’s Economy.”

Amaryllis is determined to win her Girl Scout troop’s cookie-selling contest, but she’ll need more than charm to win first prize (a unicorn) and avoid last place (which means getting kicked out of the troop). So, when sales droop, she naturally turns to the financial sector for advice. Soon, she’s faking a terminal illness, franchising her methods and contracting with a payday lender to offer 30-year loans for cookies. This is a hysterical homage to Glengarry Glen Ross and a send-up of the wild excesses of the financial crisis.

Shows run April 24-27 at 6 p.m. each night in the school’s theater. Tickets are available online at

Dingeman Elementary School
(858) 549-4437
11840 Scripps Creek Drive

Community Tour: Dingeman Elementary is holding a community Tour on Tuesday, April 10, from 9 to 10 a.m. Come and learn about Dingeman Elementary and tour the campus.

STEAM Spring Carnival: The Dingeman Elementary STEAM Spring Carnival will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. at the school on Friday, April 13. The public is invited to this family-friendly event featuring food, fun activities, school performances, a silent auction and vendors.

To celebrate the school’s continued support for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math education (STEAM), this year’s event will feature hands-on STEAM activities and demonstrations provided by Dingeman students, Dingeman alumni and local STEAM clubs and organizations.

Advanced ticket sales will begin on Tuesday morning, April 10, and take place before and after school until Friday morning, April 13. Stop by any of the ticket tables nearby the office and white top to secure your tickets for a discounted, early bird price. Tickets will also be on sale during the event for $1 each.

Art Corps Volunteers needed: Help bring art education and big smiles to your child’s class by volunteering for Art Corps. Many classes are still in need of parent volunteers to teach and/or assist with classroom art lessons. Training is provided. No experience necessary. To volunteer, contact the Art Corps liaison for your class. More details are available at

Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School
(858) 693-8593
11778 Cypress Canyon Road

Family Night Out: Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary will celebrate Yogurt Day with a fundraiser at Yogurt Heaven,12010 Scripps Summit Drive, between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Thursday, April 12. Enjoy a delicious treat and help support EBS: 25 percent of all proceeds will be donated back to the school. Remember to present this flyer, show it on your phone, or mention “EBS” at the Register: No coupons will be accepted for this event.

TK/K Family Science Night: The Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary Family Science Night for TK and kindergarteners and their families will be held Thursday, April 12, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the school’s Multi-Purpose Room.

Third Grade Recorder Concert: The third graders will perform in a recorder concert at the Scripps Ranch Farmers Market on Saturday, April 14 from 10:30 to 11 a.m. The Scripps Ranch Farmer’s Market is at 10380 Spring Canyon Road, in the Innovations Academy parking lot.

EBS Idol: Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School presents EBS Idol, the school talent show, from 6 to 9 p.m. on April 20. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The theme is “Pop Rocks.” Tickets for unreserved seating and admission are $5 each. VIP tickets are: first row VIP seats, $25 each; second row VIP seats, $15 each. Purchase tickets at

Innovations Academy
(858) 271-1414
10380 Spring Canyon Road 

Wizard of Oz: Follow the yellow brick road to the Innovations Academy performances of the “Wizard of Oz!” Shows are scheduled at 6 p.m. on May 3, 4, 5 and a matinee at 2 p.m. on May 5. Visit for more information and to reserve tickets.

If you are interested in donating an item or service to the play raffle, email Heather at by April 15.

If you’d like to support performing arts by donating baked goods, sign up at

Travel Tray fundraiser: The Travel Tray generates some funds for the school and provides families with a useful item. Have your children ever wanted to snack in the car? Do their snacks get everywhere or are you managing them while driving? Get a travel tray! Follow this link and select Innovations Academy:

Jerabek Elementary School
(858) 578-5330
10050 Avenida Magnifica

First Grade Math Night: Jerabek Elementary School is holding its First Grade Math Night for students and their families at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 12.

Restaurant Night: Order a meal at Board & Brew, 9880 Hibert St, Suite E, on Thursday, April 12, and 20 percent of the total price will go toward the Jerabek FFO. Show this flyer when ordering:

Spring Pictures: Sibling pictures will be offered before school from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. on Friday, April 13.

Boys Night: Mothers, grandmothers aunts and other caring adults are invited to bring chairs and blankets for a fun Boys Will Be Boys Night at Jerabek Field on Friday April 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. Dinner and treats will be served and there will be laser tag, pedal carts and dodgeball. Wear red, white and blue. Registration forms are due this Friday, April 13.

Miramar Ranch Elementary School
858-271-0470, ext. 0
10770 Red Cedar Drive

Loose Change for Super Science: A Loose Change Drive to raise funds for the school’s Super Science program is underway. Check your couch cushions, junk drawers, jacket pockets and cup-holders for loose change. One hundred percent of the money raised will go toward the program and the classroom that raises the most money will win a special prize. Bring in pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to your classroom through Friday, April 13.

Restaurant Week: Miramar Ranch Elementary announces its eggs-citing family restaurant fundraiser this month with Broken Yolk in Mira Mesa, located on Mira Mesa Boulevard in the Target shopping center. From Monday, April 16 to Sunday, April 22 all families that eat breakfast or lunch at Broken Yolk will earn the FFA 25 percent of the proceeds.

Broken Yolk Mira Mesa is open from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays, and from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekends.

We can’t get credit if you don’t show the flier on your phone: Prefer paper? Grab a flier from the media center in the hallway next to the office.

Third Annual Hawk Variety Show: Does your child love to perform? If so, they still have about two weeks to perfect their audition for the Miramar Ranch Elementary Annual HawkStar Variety Show. Auditions will be held after school on April 18 and 19 (minimum days). Audition pieces should be 90 seconds. Acts for the show should not exceed 2.5 to 3 minutes. Sign up here:

The show will be held May 9, at 5:30 p.m. in the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library, just down the street from the school. Tickets for the Variety Show will be available on April 27.

FFA volunteers needed: There are still positions that need to be filled for next year’s FFA board, including president, vice president, fundraising coordinator, auditor, volunteer coordinator and parent liaison. If you are interested, contact

Earlier drop off/child care: Do you need earlier drop off or childcare? If so, SAY is considering opening up at 6 a.m. if there is enough interest from parents. Parents can email the following address if interested:

Let Scripps Ranch News know about your school’s news and events, or request coverage, by contacting us at

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