Learning new techniques from speakers and garden tours
By Denise Stewart
The Scripps Mesa Garden Club has already resumed its regular monthly meeting schedule for this growing season. On the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December, the group gathers to share gardening experiences and to learn new techniques from featured speakers. When a program is on the agenda, they meet in the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Community Room. Some months a garden tour is featured at various locations.
Snakes and garden pests and how to get rid of them is the topic for the April 26 meeting. At the library, Patrick Brady will share his experiences and techniques for staying safe from snakes and other critters. Brady was scheduled a few months ago, but COVID concerns got in the way. In May, an evening garden tour is planned for the group.
Another gardener’s event that has their attention is the Garden Fair to be held at the library on May 14. According to Helen Plutner, event chair, lots of plant related displays and information booths will be open to the public. A free seed library should be of interest to many. The local garden club will be there to greet local plant lovers and to share knowledge.
For more information about the club and gardening topics, visit scrippsmesagardenclub.com.