Celebrating summer
By Denise Stewart
In July, the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club held its traditional summer Salad Supper at the Community Center. The delicious culinary creations contributed by attendees are always a highlight of the club’s summer events.
Interest groups within the club donate to gift baskets during the months preceding, and the treasures are
raffled off after dinner. The baskets are filled with prizes and the enthusiasm of the crowd always inspires everyone to participate again next year. JoAnn Farmen organized this seasonal celebration.
Also in July, Welcome Club’s Gadabouts group enjoyed lunch out at the Lazy Dog restaurant in Mission Valley. It is rumored that some of the participants visited the malls for shopping afterward. The Gadabouts will be touring a museum or taking in a movie in August, according to organizer Pam Savelsberg.
An evening party, known as a TGI, will take place in a Welcome Club member’s garden at the end of July. The TGIs feature a potluck supper, refreshing drinks and lots of socializing. Another is scheduled for a late August evening in a garden full of flowers and birds. Club members may bring guests to these outdoor parties, and they are looking forward to enjoying another TGI potluck in September. Lynnell Hallock is the organizer of these warm season events.
Also in August, the Welcome Club will enjoy a festive coffee gathering. Brunch will be enjoyed overlooking the hills surrounding Lake Miramar. Anne McClure is the hostess for this month’s event. Coffees occur most months of the club calendar as hostesses take turns.
August’s regular meeting, which happens on the second Monday of each month, will feature Debby Mayer, a published author and entertainer. She will share her humorous story of courage and adventure known as “10 Scary Things I have Done Since My Husband Died.” Debby tells stories – which are sometimes true and sometimes not – for baby boomer women.
The interest groups of Welcome Club are meeting regularly throughout the summer. The trail walkers are donning their sunscreen and touring the paths among our trees. Bunco is played in the evenings, while crafts and most book discussions gather ladies during the daytime.
If Welcome Club sparks your interest, check the website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com and learn more about this active group of local women who enjoy the company of others.