Kiwanis event: Not just another rummage sale
By Jill Alexander
Head over to the Scripps Ranch Kiwanis Club Rummage Sale on April 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Jerabek Elementary School parking lot located at 10050 Avenida Magnifica.
Once there, you will be able to unearth such treasures as housewares, clothing, tools, CDs, electronics and who knows what else.
Additionally, there will be a baked goods sale that should rival any others you have been to, Scripps Ranch Kiwanis Chapter Secretary Mary Beth Klauer said.
“We have some first-class bakers in the group, and they will be presenting wonderful goodies at the rummage sale. All funds from both events are going toward community projects,” she said.
Kiwanis is an international service club that focuses on children, so the club tries to hold activities and events that are helpful to children.
Some of the community projects in the past have included the “Little Libraries Project” in which the group built 11 small book stands and installed them in the communities of Scripps Ranch, Poway, Pacific Beach, and City Heights. Each is a work of art featuring different designs and decorations, hand built by members and non-members. Each library has been stocked with children’s books and allows anyone from the community to borrow a book.
Other projects include:
A food drive for the San Diego Food Bank, and partnering with Habitat for Humanity building playhouses.
A collaborative partnership with Your Safe Place, a family justice center downtown.
Student of the Month at Jerabek Elementary School in which a fifth-grade student is honored for their citizenship as recommended by their teacher.
The Scripps Ranch Kiwanis Chapter also sponsors and supports high school Key Clubs in Scripps Ranch and Mira Mesa, which are part of Kiwanis programs.
“These are social clubs that do projects and teach the young people about collaborative work in the community and collaborative projects,” Klauer said. “Laurels for Leaders is another very important project, too, as every San Diego Kiwanis chapter does this and honors associate student body presidents. They get awards and do workshops about leadership, financial issues and things they will run into as adults.”
Both are popular with kids, Klauer said, and “these students are really into it and on fire.”
“It’s nice seeing an interest in these programs as so many students are getting involved,” she said. “I think because when they go to college they have to show they are doing community projects and leadership – it’s all about being good leaders in the community.”
Scripps Ranch Kiwanis also aids Just in Time for foster youth, another popular organization, Klauer said.
“When they time out of foster youth, they need everything from an apartment and suitcases to clothing,” she said. “They will have independent living and nobody to help them. This is a good program, and we help in San Diego and did a big Christmas project with them.”
Klauer said the chapter will continue performing community service throughout the year. Anyone who is interested in becoming a member of this busy chapter or wants to donate, or has questions about the upcoming rummage sale may contact President Craig Bratlien at craigbratlien@gmail.com.
The Scripps Ranch Kiwanis Chapter has almost 30 members and is accepting new members.
“The chapter is always busy with one project or another, but it isn’t just about work, work, work,” Klauer said. “We also have plenty of fun.”