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Poway Symphony Orchestra sets 20th anniversary schedule

The Poway Symphony Orchestra (courtesy photo)

Poway Symphony Orchestra sets 20th anniversary schedule

The Poway Symphony Orchestra announced the program of three concerts for its 20th anniversary performance season for 2023-2024. Music Director and Conductor John LoPiccolo has planned some very special music this season. The line-up of concerts includes:

Eugene Drucker
Ching Ming Cheng

Nov. 19. The season’s opening concert will feature Eugene Drucker, violinist and founding member of the world-famous Emerson String Quartet. 

March 24, 2024. This celebration concert includes two orchestral masterpieces that will showcase the talent of the orchestra including “Scheherazade” by Rimsky-Korsakov.

May 26, 2024. The season will close with a return to classical gems, including the delightful “Piano Concerto in A Minor” by Robert Schumann, featuring Ching-Ming Cheng as soloist.

The Poway Symphony Orchestra formed in 2004. This 65-member semi-professional orchestra brings symphonic music to the North County San Diego area. The Orchestra performs music of the great composers of history and with nationally renowned guest artists.

All performances are at 4 p.m. on Sundays at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Road. Tickets are on sale by calling (858) 748-0505 or online at powaycenter.com or visit powaysymphonyorchestra.org