Rotary plans Poway parade
What do you call an event that sees people lined up along the sidewalks to watch marching bands, horses, floats, cool cars and dignitaries make their way from one end of a street to the other?
That describes a parade, and last year was the first year in Poway’s history since the inception of the town’s annual parade that one wasn’t held. Now that most COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, the Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps announced that the Palomar Health Presents the 2021 Poway Rotary Parade is scheduled for Sept. 11.
The club is again working with Palomar Health as the parade’s title sponsor. This year’s theme is “Community of Heroes” and the many grand marshals will include first responders, essential and frontline workers. The parade will follow recommended guidelines for gathering.
Local Rotarians have begun the task of fundraising and have identified sponsorship and donor opportunities to help underwrite the costs of the parade. Committing to being a sponsor or donor has the added benefit of showcasing support of this old-fashioned community event.
Costs associated with the parade include permits, sanitation, reimbursing high school bands for their transportation costs, printing, trophies, coordination fees, the P.A. system and advertising. Additional parade details along with sponsorship packages can be viewed at powayrotaryparade.org.
The parade start time is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 11, and more than 100 entrants are expected.
The Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps has hosted the parade since 2013.
“We jumped in when the community was at risk of losing the parade and discovered we love presenting it,” said Pauline Getz, Rotary Club Poway-Scripps member.
“It’s a truly wonderful, good old-fashioned parade,” she said. “Besides delighting the more than 10,000 (spectators) it attracts, the parade serves as the club’s largest annual fundraiser to generate money for community service projects after the considerable parade expenses are satisfied.”
Rotary is a leadership organization of local business, professional and civic leaders. The Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps meets most Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. at Filippi’s Pizza Grotto, 9969 Mira Mesa Blvd. Visit powayscrippsrotary.org.