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The Garden Club calendar is blooming

Garden Club President Susan Castellana is creating a meadow in her backyard. She spread wildflower seeds in a raised bed and then rolled out a biodegradable straw blanket over the soil and seeds. She will spray it twice weekly and watch for her flowers to bloom. (courtesy photo)

The Garden Club calendar is blooming

By Denise Stewart

The Scripps-Mesa Garden Club has lined-up a series of speakers and events that will fill its meeting calendar through the growing season.

The club’s next meeting will take place at 6 p.m. in the Community Room of the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library on Feb. 28. Richard Lederer, author and Union-Tribune language columnist, will regale the group with his talk on “Flowery English: How Flowers Got Their Names.”

A presentation by a master gardener on companion planting will be featured at March’s gathering.

Each meeting is a learning event as well as an opportunity to share gardening experiences during a brief social time. The meetings also feature a plant share.

The Garden Club has been on-going in our community for 30 years. Gardening hobbyists are welcome to visit a regular monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  A family membership is $30 per year. The dues are used to compensate speakers for their time and expertise.  

For more information about the club, check the website scrippsmesagardenclub.com. You will also find articles and photos about local gardens and our famous eucalyptus trees.