Enjoyable events launch Welcome Club’s new year
By Denise Stewart
The year 2023 is off to a fun start with Scripps Ranch Welcome Club activities already underway.
According to Trail Walkers leader Janelle Boustany, with the skies clearing and pathways drying out later in the month, the hikers resumed their routine and hit the trails again. Book club members took advantage of the storms and indulged in their favorite pastime. Most book groups met and shared their thoughts on the assigned title as well as their ideas about a variety of other literary experiences they enjoyed while avoiding the weather.
During the second week of ’23, the first Coffee of the year was hosted by Rose Mack. A hearty turnout of members enjoyed the festivity of warm drinks, tasty pastries and congenial friends. There’s no post-holiday slump among this crowd.
During the third week, the Gadabouts group, organized by Pam Savelsberg, went to enjoy the movie “Otto.” Actor Tom Hanks is a big favorite among members, so a restaurant lunch and an enthusiastic review of the film followed the show.
The Bunco and Crafts groups met as usual. Weather doesn’t factor with these ladies. It’s all indoor fun.
February will continue with all the regular club activities and, in addition, a special live theater event is scheduled. A pre-theater party at Alan Binks’ home will gather a group to share a potluck supper before going to see “Lucky Stiff.” It is the Scripps Ranch Theatre’s first play of the new year. Bev Macho is using her finely tuned social skills to organize this event this theater season.
The Welcome Club’s monthly meetings at the Scripps Ranch Community Center will resume in February. On the second Monday, Paulette Millander will coordinate a purse exchange as part of the event. A short business session and a social time are included in the relaxed agenda.
Contact information for those who would like to learn more about this local women’s social group can be found at scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com. The door is always open to new friends.