Gardeners celebrate their harvests
By Denise Stewart
Lots of produce and blooms are filling local gardens and August will be the time to celebrate the successes of the Scripps-Mesa Garden Club.
Members will gather to share their bounty at the annual Salad Supper. Susan Castellana is organizing the menu that promises to be tasty, healthy and supremely fresh.
The club’s July meeting was a tour of Char Fitzgerald’s garden. Her unique collection of plants set in her hilltop garden made for a delightful evening.
Currently meeting outdoors, the club will continue to do so as long as the weather and later sunsets allow. In the fall, members are planning to move back to the local library Community Room for the club’s fourth Tuesday of the month meetings. Plans are in the works for speakers and other garden-related events to be held there.
Gardening has become a more popular endeavor during the COVID era. Being out among flowers, growing veggies and taking care of ornamental plants has proven to be a relaxing and satisfying hobby to many. The club is adding to its membership steadily.
Those interested in learning more about the group may visit scrippsmesagardenclub.com. There are interesting and enlightening articles there, too.