Move forward, carrying the wisdom of the past
Glaciers are melting, forests are being depleted, fires and floods abound, and around the world, young people fear for their future. It has finally hit home to most of humanity that the world as we knew it, may no longer be.
For years, prophets and visionaries have been sounding the alarm, warning of impending doom if we didn’t change our ways. Now, there are countless organizations dedicated to ‘fighting’ climate change, loss of biodiversity, inequality, social injustice and more. Yet, we hurtle toward the inevitable – a world descending into chaos, with increasing hostility, food insecurity and wider gaps between rich and
In this scenario, what does being sustainable mean? Is that what we need, and is that all we want?
Let’s look at it from the perspective of those needs and wants, from the ground up:
We all want to live in a community where we belong.
We all want to make our unique contribution to that community, and beyond.
We also want to enjoy our lives, whether it be finding joy in our daily chores, attending various performances, or expressing ourselves in creative ways.
We now know that our health and wellness are intricately entwined with the health and safety of the soil, water and, indeed, the planet itself. Hence, it’s time to consider what sort of living can incorporate these needs and wants without exacerbating the planetary imbalance underway.
Every time I’ve asked myself this question, the inevitable answer is, “Live like your grandparents!”
I cannot count the number of times I’ve also heard, “We can’t go back to the past.”
For years, we’ve looked to modern technology to save us from the consequences of our own ill-considered actions. Now, at the brink of planetary catastrophe, that is no longer promising.
Instead, let’s move forward, carrying with us the wisdom of the past: dry clothes outdoors; cook our own meals; eat more fresh foods; grow what we can; capture and use rainwater; while using the power of the
sun traveling mindfully; and getting to know where our food and water come from.
If we can do all this in ways that have minimal impact on all life and non-life, we may preserve the planet’s beauty and grandeur for generations to come. Thus, instead of treating it as a resource, we become integral cells in this great organism, helping it and all of us thrive and flourish.
To learn more about Sustainable Scripps Ranch, visit our website at scrippsranch.org/ssr or e-mail SustainableSR@scrippsranch.org.