New growing season, leadership, programs
By Denise Stewart
Susan Castellana has been named the new president of the Scripps-Mesa Garden Club. Her enthusiasm and talent in the hobby led the board of directors to select her from the membership to head the group.
The local gardeners meet most months on the fourth Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Community Room. During the warmer weather they often have their meetings in nearby gardens.
The club strives to offer its members a variety of educational experiences in gardening. According to
Program Chair Lynnell Hallock, the January 24 meeting featured a speaker on “How to Grow Sub-tropical Fruits.” Michael Letzring is a professional in the field and works at Balboa Park. This meeting was open to the community since it was organized by the library manager.
The speaker for February is Richard Lederer. Lederer, a local wordsmith, is the author of many books. He will speak about the language of flowers and how flowers got their names.
The speaker slated for March is Shital Parikh. She is a master gardener and will share her knowledge of companion planting and the techniques that make for healthy, attractive gardens.
For more information about the club, check the website scrippsmesagardenclub.com. You will also find articles and photos about local gardens and our famous eucalyptus trees.