Prepare to shelter at work if need be
By Karen Herreros
Happy New Year.
We have talked a lot in the past about being prepared for wildfires but primarily based on your residence. For those of you working away from home in an office, there are some preparations that should be done there also. During an emergency, be prepared to shelter at work for at last 24 hours. Your work preparedness kit should include food, water and other essentials. You should also plan for your personal necessities such as prescription medications, comfortable walking shoes, etc., stored in a “grab and go” case.
FOOD – At least a three day supply of non-perishable, melt proof, calorie dense food items like energy bars, granola bars, dried fruit or MREs (meals ready to eat). Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels. If any of the food is canned, don’t forget the can opener.
FLASHLIGHT OR LANTERN – You may be without power, plus batteries.
FIRST AID KIT – You don’t need and EMT kit, just sufficient first aid supplies.
MEDICATIONS – Nonprescription pain relievers (aspirin, etc.), anti-diarrhea medications, antacids and laxatives. Prescription medication, three day supply.
WHISTLE – just in case you need to whistle for help.
TOOLS – Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities.
CELL PHONE – Cell phone chargers and backup power supply
RADIO – Battery or hand crank powered.
DUST MASK – To filter out air contaminates.
PERSONAL SANITATION – Moist towelettes, personal and feminine hygiene items, toilet paper, garbage
bags and plastic ties to close bags
DUCT TAPE – Maintain your kit by keeping canned food in a cool, dry place. Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers. Replace expired items as needed. Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as needs change.
Have a wonderful and safe New Year.
For information about the Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, visit www.srfiresafe.org, email srfiresafe-
council@gmail.com or phone (858) 201-3711.