Welcome Club begins gathering again
By Denise Stewart
If you want to leave behind the isolation of the COVID lockdown and are ready to get back to enjoying a social life, the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club might be your perfect path to an enjoyable new era.
Members have already held two open air meetings that brought friends together and launched both a new board of directors and a calendar of social and healthy activities for the early summer season. June is featuring 18 opportunities to join outdoor events. Local trail walks, book club meets and a La Jolla beach walk and lunch are on the agenda for this month as club inoculated members feel safe in meeting in groups again.
The regular second Tuesday indoor monthly meetings and programs at the Community Center will resume as soon as it is wise.
Coming up in July will be the first TGI event in almost two years. Members will be sharing dishes and toasts at an outdoor evening social at Ghean Maksimow’s backyard.
“TGIs are a relaxed way of enjoying dinner, drinks and one another,” said Lynnell Hallock, chairperson.
A few more TGIs will take place before the fall brings cooler weather.
A morning Coffee Klatch will very soon kick off a favorite part of the Welcome Club’s monthly schedule. These regular year-round gatherings are a popular occasion to catch up with friends outdoors or in.
Kathy Binks has assured the club that once Scripps Ranch Theatre resumes performances, outings to the plays and the delightful pre-theatre potlucks will be back on the calendar.
Looking forward to September, the club’s annual Salad Supper will be a very special festivity since it will celebrate the Welcome Club’s 40th anniversary. Plans are underway to make it an evening among friends that will be one to remember.
The Welcome Club has a vibrant leadership team. With 25 women heading up a variety of offices and activities, the club is alive with new ideas and approaches to all sorts of enjoyable experiences. If you favor the theater, hiking, Bunko, books or cards, you can match yourself to a convenient group meeting and make your pleasure a regular part of your recreation schedule.
With 130 women as members, the Welcome Club is certain to provide newcomers to Scripps Ranch with a group of friends within the community.
Contact information for the Welcome Club is available online at scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com. As is the tradition, you will get a friendly and prompt response to your questions.