Welcome Club plans September events
By Denise Stewart
Out of caution and caring for the well-being of its members, Scripps Ranch Welcome Club cancelled its monthly meeting and postponed the long-awaited Coffee Klatch planned for August.
While members benefited from the relaxation of COVID rules during July with an evening outdoor social that many enjoyed, it was decided that August would be an appropriate time to play it safe again.
A lunch outing near the end of the month remains on the calendar. If COVID concerns allow the event to be held safely in an outdoor setting, members will dine near the coast, according to Pam Savelsberg, Gadabouts coordinator.
The 40th Anniversary of the Welcome Club’s founding by Beck McDonald will be celebrated with a catered Taco Fiesta at the Scripps Ranch Community Center on Sept. 13, according to President JoAnn Farmen. Plans for entertainment and traditional gift basket giveaways are under construction. Each of the club’s interest groups will put together a gathering of treasures that delight whoever is the lucky winner. These gift baskets dazzle the crowd and raise money for club events.
Later in the month of September, an autumn outdoor gathering is planned for a weekend evening. Known to members as a TGI, these festivities are a favorite among members and their escorts. Participants show off their culinary skills by bringing delectable appetizers to be shared along with a sip of wine. Coordinator Lynnell Hallock says, “A good time is always had by all.”
Welcome Club is an institution in Scripps Ranch’s social scene, but members always warmly greet inquiries about the club. President JoAnn Farmen is easily reached at the website: scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.