Lady Falcons gain another big victory

(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)

Lady Falcons gain another big victory

The Scripps Ranch High School girls varsity basketball team defeated The Bishop’s School 48-32 in the Quarter Finals of the CIF San Diego Section Division I 2018 Girls Basketball Championship tournament on Saturday night, Feb. 24. The Lady Falcons dominated the entire game.

Scripps Ranch will travel to Chula Vista on Tuesday, Feb. 27 to take on Bonita Vista High for the Division I Semi Finals at 7 p.m. The winner of this game will play in the Division I Championship for the title against either Mater Dei Catholic or Eastlake High on March 2.

Photos by Ralph LoVuolo. Visit

(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
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