Practice fire safety this winter
By David Barak
We hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.
We so badly needed the rain we have been getting. Just don’t let it get you complacent about maintaining your efforts to keep fire safe. Get rid of that dead Christmas tree.
Get your fireplace and chimney cleaned out and make sure you have spark arrestors so in this cold (for us) weather when you want to fire up those fireplaces to keep warm, they are also safe.
Continue to make sure you remove combustible material from around your house. During the busy holidays, it is easy to slack off from the maintenance part of life.
Talk to your insurance company. Make sure your cost of construction is updated to cover all costs. With the price of everything rising, it should be checked out.
It is also very important to know what is not covered with your policy, i.e. flood, mold, earthquake. If you work from home, do you have some business insurance?
These are just a few more things to think about.
We are looking forward to bringing you the mobile app we discussed last month soon; and hope we might be able to have a training expo so everyone will understand how to use it.
Stay safe and be careful.
For more information, visit www.srfiresafe.org.
–Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council