Savagewood Brewing introduces its Dry Irish Stout for $4 for a pint on March 17.


New beer alert!
Luck of the Irish? We think not! Savagewood Brewing company makes its own luck. Savagewood is introducing its Dry Irish Stout: “Make Your Own Luck.”

Coming in at 4.9 percent ABV, this delightfully-roasty stout is dry, easy drinking and only $4 for a pint today. Happy St. Paddy’s Day indeed! Half-pours are $2 and tasters are only $1.

Catholic Guilt Smoked Porter is also specially priced on March 17. SD Beer Friends mixer is underway. Open to 10 p.m. on March 17.

Savagewood Brewing Company is located at 9879 Hibert St., Suite F.

St. Patrick’s specials at Bruski Burgers & Brew
Join Bruski Burgers & Brew for St. Patrick’s Day corned beef sandwiches and drink specials. Guinness pints are $5 Saturday, March 17 and Sunday, March 18.

Bruski Burgers & Brew invites customers to catch all the games of March Madness at the bar.

Celebrate St. Patty’s at Ballast Point!
March Madness and St. Patrick’s Day, does it get any better? Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Ballast Point, featuring specialty beers, food specials and good vibes. Enjoy specialty beers all night long.

Check in for any of the March Madness games and receive $1 off every food item ordered. Now that’s a pot of gold!

Irish or not, you’re in luck! To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Ballast Point is offering food specials and special releases:

Marvelous Redfish. Hoppy Irish Red (4.9 percent ABV). A dry, drinkable hop-forward Irish red ale with roasted barley, Vienna malt, and pungent dry hops for dark fruit/melon flavor.

My Morning Coffee. An Irish coffee-inspired imperial brown ale w/lactose on nitro with notes of coffee, creamy vanilla and hints of a whiskey-like booziness. It has the aromas and flavors you’d expect from Irish coffee.

Sextant Stout on nitro. Subtle aromas of a freshly made cappuccino, milk chocolate and roasted raw barley. Chocolate malts and 20 percent flaked barley offer cookie dough flavors and a velvety, silky smooth mouthfeel.

Ballast Point Scripps Ranch is located at 10051 Old Grove Road.

Join the Barking Brigade
Bring your four-legged friends and join the march in the first Barking Brigade starting at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 18 at Ballast Point. Walk your dog from Ballast Point to Newtopia Cyder and back, with beer, pizza and treats along the way. Your $10 ticket will include a beer flight and slice of pizza at Ballast Point. Additional beer and merchandize available for purchase at Newtopia.

Buy tickets online or in the Newtopia tasting room. Online tickets are available at

Ballast Point Scripps Ranch is located at 10051 Old Grove Road. Newtopia Cyder is located at 10045 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite A.

Savagewood Brewing Company is hosting a fundraiser on March 18 to help send Dave Cummins on a charity Mission to Haiti for Children’s Heritage Foundation.

Send Dave to Haiti! (for charity)
Dave Cummins is one of our neighbors. He works with the Children’s Heritage Foundation and he’s raising some last-minute funds to go on a mission to Haiti.

Dave’s cause: “I’m heading out to Haiti. This is my sixth trip. We go with an organization called Children’s Heritage Foundation. They work out there with orphanages. It started out rebuilding after the earthquake and now, eight years later, it’s gone from one orphanage to helping out with three. We will be doing some work projects as well as hosting a conference for adults there. So, the money I’m raising will go to my travel, food and lodging as well as the projects (supplies, etc.).”

A little about Haiti: “Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Also, it’s still recovering from the January 2010, 7.0 earthquake that killed more than 250,000 people. On top of that, they have been hit with hurricanes and disease since then. So, Children’s Heritage has been leading trips out there to work with the kids and orphanages and helping them rebuild, but also to get kids back in school and job training.”

Twenty percent of all sales on Sunday, March 18, will be donated to Dave and the Children’s Heritage Foundation. You’re going to come have some beer anyways, but now you’ll also be supporting great work for a good cause.

Savagewood Brewing Company is located at 9879 Hibert St., Suite F.

956 thoughts on “SCRIPPS RANCH WEEKEND
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