Take responsibility for safety
Fact or myth? Homes don’t have to burn in a wildfire. Learn the facts and protect your home and family by creating defensible space!
IT’S A FACT: there are simple things you can do to help protect your home from wildfires.
MYTH: If there is a wildfire and my home is in danger, firefighters will do all they can to save it.
FACT: Firefighters and emergency professionals do all they can to stop wildfires, but they have to be smart, and they will look for homes and buildings that are easier to protect. Homes with defensible space are the homes that firefighters look for because they are safer to go near and easier to save.
MYTH: It is against the law to remove trees and vegetation.
FACT: Laws about removing trees and shrubs are different across the state. Contact your local city representative to ask what you can do and work with them to solve any problems.
MYTH: It is expensive to create and keep a defensible space around my property.
FACT: It doesn’t have to be expensive to create and maintain defensible space. Removing dead trees, plants and leaves, and thinning shrubs and trees can be very affordable. It is also important to remove ladder fuels. Ladder fuels are low tree branches and shrubs under trees that allow a fire to climb high and spread faster. Also, palm trees with the hanging dead fronds.
MYTH: It doesn’t matter what I do, wildfires will come and destroy all that is in their path.
FACT: It does matter! Making a clean, open space 100 feet around your home can help firefighters save it and your family and pets.
MYTH: Creating 100 feet of defensible space around my property will not allow me to have a nice yard.
FACT: Correctly done, your yard can look great and contribute to the health and variety of natural areas.
Now that you know the facts, these can help to protect your home. Do your part and take responsibility.
Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com, srfiresafe@org, (858) 201-3711.