Guardians finish 4th at Academic Decathlon

A team of 10 decathletes and three alternates from St. Gregory the Great Catholic School finished fourth overall out of 24 schools in the annual Diocese of San Diego Academic Junior High Decathlon. (courtesy photo)

Guardians finish 4th at Academic Decathlon

St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Guardians participated in the 22nd Annual Diocese of San Diego Academic Junior High Decathlon on Saturday, March 3, held at Mater Dei Catholic High School. The team of 10 decathletes and three alternates finished in fourth place overall out of 24 schools.

They had been studying and practicing for the event since school began in the fall and met each week to fine tune their logic and teamwork for this rigorous competition. Eight students represented in the individual categories of Religion, Literature, English/Spelling, Mathematics, Science, Fine Arts, Current Events, and Social Studies, as well as team events in Logic and Super Quiz. The Writing competition had been held two weeks prior to the main event.

While every member of the team was integral to its success, several students were among the top placements in the San Diego Diocese: Lael (first in English/Spelling and fourth in Writing), Patrick (first in Mathematics), Isabella (second in Literature), and Nicole (sixth in Religion). In addition, the St. Gregory the Great Guardians placed fourth in the Super Quiz team event. Additional team members included, Aisling, Liam, Olivia, Josie, Harrison, Dylan, and alternates Emily, Jacob and Matthew.

Coaching the team were three faculty members: Darlene Howard, Jessica Collins, and Raquel Oriondo.

2,313 thoughts on “Guardians finish 4th at Academic Decathlon
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