Seniors Corner: Coping with distance learning
By Ashley Shah
Seniors at Scripps Ranch High School (SRHS) describe both the bad and good aspects of distance learning – and explain what activities they miss most.
Nick Aguilar
Four-year cross country runner
“I really miss the cross country invitationals and getting to represent your school. Usually, we have the Mt. Carmel invite and there’s always such a big crowd, and it’s a fun and notable experience each season,” Nick Aguilar said.
Aguilar shared what he misses from in-person classes.
“I miss the personal connection with teachers. I miss getting to joke around with the teachers and the one-on-one question and answer time. It’s a lot harder to interact with your teachers online,” he said.
He commented on the positives of a virtual school year.
“The good thing about online learning is that I get more personal time. I have been able to spend more time with my family, which I think is nice especially since next year I’ll be off to college,” Aguilar said.
Along with cross country, Aguilar participates in Falcon Peer Tutoring and is the vice president of the Letters of Light club at SRHS.
Outside of school, he is part of the Chamber Bravura acapella choir and volunteers at the It’s all About the Kids Foundation.
Aguilar hopes to attend the University of California, Los Angeles to study human biology or genetics this fall.

Mackenzie Cain
Four-year theatre member
“I’m missing the social interaction. I miss seeing my friends in person and the teachers. I’ve been Facetiming my friends, but it’s not the same as seeing them at school,” Mackenzie Cain said.
She explained the hardships she has faced due to virtual learning.
“It’s hard not being able to stay after class. I used to be able to ask questions then. Now, it’s harder to ask questions because sometimes the teachers will miss your email.” Cain said.
She conveyed the benefits she has experienced with online learning.
“I like not having my camera on because I can go to class in my pajamas and in my bed. You don’t really have to wake up early … and it saves a lot of time,” she said.
In November 2020, Cain was able to participate in a virtual play through the school.
“It was nice that we were able to put on a production even through this time,” she said.
Outside of SRHS, Cain is Miss San Diego’s Outstanding Teen and has signed with Rage Model and Talent Agency. She participates in the Race for Autism and plays recreational soccer.
She has plans to attend Washington State University to study animal science.

Sabrina Krebs
Captain of varsity volleyball team
“I’ve been on the volleyball team for four years. We’ve been able to qualify for states and it’s sad that this year we were not able to do that. It would be nice to just have one last season with all the friends I’ve grown close with through the years,” Sabrina Krebs said.
She discussed the challenges she has seen through online school.
“I miss learning through others in a classroom. I miss seeing people in the hallways and being able to interact with everyone,” Krebs said. “It’s been difficult to communicate with teachers. Sometimes we have group assignments and it’s been hard to coordinate with group members.”
She explained how online learning has been beneficial.
“Online learning has helped me with my technological skills, which is something I’ll need in the future. I’ve been used to writing with paper and pencil, but now I’ve gotten better with typing,” she said.
Other than volleyball, Krebs is a part of the club Circle of Friends at SRHS.
Krebs is part of Wave, a club volleyball team, and Girl Scouts outside of school.
She plans to attend Pepperdine University to study occupational therapy.

Dean Bisco
Four-year theatre member
“We’ve had one show this year and it was virtual. The show was a really different experience, but it was still fun and I’m glad we’re keeping theatre alive. However, I miss performing on a stage instead of a camera in my room,” Dean Bisco said.
He spoke about what has been difficult because of virtual learning.
“Staying engaged is hard. You’re in your own environment and that definitely has more distractions. It is easy to get disengaged with the material when on Zoom because you can just go on another tab,” Bisco said.
He voiced what has helped in regard to virtual learning.
“Teachers are adapting well and I think it’s really impressive. They use a lot of platforms that keep everything organized. It helps to see the due date of everything through those platforms because it keeps me on time,” he said.
Outside of SRHS, he is involved in the Chamber Bravura acapella choir.
Along with acting in the SRHS plays, Bisco is also the vice president of the theatre program board and is part of the improv team.
He hopes to attend a four-year university in California and study computer science.