Welcome Club enjoys outdoor events
By Denise Stewart
Bright days and warm evenings are perfect occasions for Scripps Ranch Welcome Club members to gather for music in the park, a coffee in a garden, an ice cream social, a museum tour and a poolside party.
September’s calendar is full of the regular club daytime activities like trail walking, book talks, Bunco, crafts and card games. The evening festivities add a special celebratory touch to this transition into fall.
Along with the ongoing activities, coming up next month, Welcome Club will resume its regular attendance at Scripps Ranch Theatre performances. Prior to the play on Oct. 8, playgoers will gather for a potluck supper and then take in the first comedy of the season, “The Outsider.” The club plans to attend all the plays for the 2022-2023 season.
Welcome Club is not only delighted to include new members, but also enjoys initiating new activities. The members are open to new opportunities to have enjoyable and friendly experiences. So, bring your suggestions along with your enthusiasm.
Newcomers to Scripps Ranch, and women who would like to enrich their social life, are invited to learn more about the Welcome Club on its website: scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com. Contact information is available there.