Enjoying fruits of their labor
By Denise Stewart
The heat of the last few weeks has been demanding that Scripps-Mesa gardeners pay lots of attention to their garden irrigation and their water bills. But their efforts are worth it. At the end of this month, they will gather to enjoy a potluck supper to share and celebrate this growing season’s successes.
Scripps-Mesa Garden Club is also celebrating its 30th Anniversary as an asset to the community. By sharing what members have learned from their botanical experiences and how to apply that knowledge to our micro-climate and soil, local residents are able to benefit from fine-tuned gardening techniques.
The local gardeners meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. During the longer daylight months, they usually tour gardens and share information and experiences outdoors. During the shorter days, they meet at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Community Room to learn from speakers on special subjects. For gardening information, you are invited to visit the club’s website: scrippsmesagardenclub.com.