Club members learn tips from horticultural expert
The speaker for the Oct. 24 Scripps-Mesa Garden Club meeting at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library was Shital Parikh, a Master Gardener and school garden consultant. She talked about companion planting, understanding plant families and the roles they play in companion planting.
Parikh added to members’ knowledge of the role of companion planting, soil amendment and cycles of companion planting. The gardeners learned more about rotating plants between beds, seasonally and annually, and how that will improve gardening techniques and promote success.
The November meeting will celebrate the end of the harvest season with a pumpkin potluck. Members will be gathering on Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. at the library for this, the last meeting of the year. The regular fourth Tuesday schedule will resume in the new year.
Residents of Mira Mesa and Scripps Ranch are encouraged to check out the club’s website scrippsmesagardenclub.com to learn more about the club and to learn more about gardening. There are several informative articles on plants and the practices that produce healthy productive gardens.