Ready for year of good times
By Denise Stewart
The Scripps Ranch Welcome Club closed out 2021 with a Grand Tea and a Holiday Party that both made a festive end to the year’ social calendar. But Welcome Club members have never rested on their laurels, so they are continuing their interest groups in January and planning on more festivities in the coming year.
Janelle Boustany, Trail Walkers chair, is continuing the exercise group.
“The trail walkers are hiking the local trails twice a week. We often have five or six hikers and we have been enjoying the treks through Hoyt Park, up to Hendrix Pond and over to Evans Pond. Most hikes are three miles. Great company, pleasant conversations and exercise are all part of a healthy morning,” according to Janelle.
“We have a number of new hikers, and new walkers are always welcome,” she added.
Book discussion group members have chosen their reading selections for the next few months and are enjoying the quieter days at the beginning of the new year to engage in their hobby.
Some of the card groups are meeting this month as well as Bunco players and crafters. A share of these groups meets during the day while others gather in the evening.
Plans for the theatergoers are underway now that our Scripps Ranch Theatre has announced its schedule for the spring season. A new coordinator will be setting the dates for attending the performances and organizing the party gatherings that happen before the plays. These events draw both the club members as well as their companions for friendly and tasty evenings.
Coming up in February at the monthly meeting at the Community Recreation Center, the Welcome Club will celebrate its anniversary of friendship and fun for the women of Scripps Ranch. A traditional birthday cake will add a sweet touch to the art activity planned for the group’s entertainment.
A new board game group is forming within the club. Members who enjoy playing Mexican Train, Rumicube, Scrabble and the like will be gathering monthly to sharpen their skills and to enjoy an evening’s entertainment.
More information and contacts are available at the club’s website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.
“We will be delighted to hear from you, and we will be happy to respond to your inquiries,” said JoAnne Farmen, club president.